Butch got me thinking of the little house across the road from Ellen's. Boy did Grandpa ever love his flowers. He often supplied the flowers that were sitting on the alter at church each Sunday. I wonder what Grandpa would have though of Starbucks? Every Sunday night after church we would stop at Grandpa's for coffee and cookies. My first introduction to coffee was a sugar lump soaked in coffee. Mom wasn't crazy about the idea but Grandpa told her that it would not hurt me. In those days, Grandpa made coffee using a coffee pot on the burner and peculating the coffee. Does anyone know how Grandpa came up with the ideas of making rugs from men's suits? He had so much business that he had a hard time keeping up with orders. I remember that on occasion, we could get Grandpa to take out his guitar and sing to us. Most of the songs were in Swedish but it was nice to hear him sing.
Can anyone tell me when this picture was taken? Lillian and Donald are missing.
Remember the horse-hair stuffed leather couch at Grandpa's? It pulled out into a bed (sort of). It always smelled funny!